Blue Box Materials


Let our expert team guide you.

Blue Box Materials compliance is complex and requires interpretation, which can lead to questions. It can be difficult to work out what you need to do and when you need to do it.

Our expert team is ready to assist you.

How H2C manages the fulfilment of the Ontario regulation

  • Collection process and scheme (location, coverage and process explanation)
  • Recycling Process (location, coverage and process explanation)
  • Awareness and Communication Programs
  • Annual Report to RPRA on behalf of Producers

What are the changes to the blue box program in Ontario?

Ontario’s blue box program is currently undergoing a significant transition, with the biggest changes taking effect between July 2023 and December 2025. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes:

Who’s responsible?

  • Previously, municipalities managed and funded the blue box program.
  • Now, producers of the packaging and paper materials (companies that sell products in Ontario) are becoming responsible for collecting and managing those materials. This is known as Producer Responsibility (PR).

How will it work?

  • Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs) are being established to act on behalf of producers and manage the new system.
  • Municipalities will gradually transition their blue box programs to be operated by PROs.
  • Residents will likely see little to no immediate change in their blue box collection during the transition.

What are the benefits?

  • The aim is to create a more efficient and effective recycling system.
  • It promotes innovation in packaging design and manufacturing to make them more recyclable.
  • Producers will have a greater incentive to reduce waste and use more sustainable materials.

Blue Box materials recycling

How H2C makes it easy for your business

Our expert team will lead you through the process, ensuring your Blue Box Materials data is as accurate as possible and that you remain compliant.

Our knowledge of the Blue Box Materials market means we always get the best value recovery and recycling for you.


  • Printed and unprinted paper, such as a newspaper, magazine, promotional material, directory, catalogue
  • Paper used for copying, writing
  • Any other general use


By type:

  • primary packaging
  • transport packaging
  • convenience packaging
  • service accessories
  • ancillary elements

By materials categories:

  • Beverage containers: a container that, contains a ready-to-drink beverage product, is made from metal, glass, paper or rigid plastic, or any combination of these materials, and is sealed by its manufacturer
  • Glass
  • Flexible plastic: unmoulded plastic, such as a plastic bag, film, wrap, pouch, or laminate
  • Rigid plastic
  • Metal
  • Paper
  • Certified compostable products and packaging: material that is only capable of being processed by composting, anaerobic digestion or other processes that result in decomposition by bacteria or other living organisms, and is certified as compostable by an international, national or industry standard

Packaging-like product

A packaging-like product is a product such as aluminum foil, a metal tray, plastic film, plastic wrap, wrapping paper, a paper bag, beverage cup, plastic bag, cardboard box or envelope, that has all the following characteristics:

  1. The product is ordinarily used for the containment, protection, handling, delivery, presentation or transportation of a thing or things,
  2. The product is ordinarily disposed of after a single use, whether or not it could be reused, and,
  3. The product is not used as packaging when it is supplied to the end user.

Recycling Process

  1. Collection
  2. Compacting
  3. Melting
  4. Casting
  5. Rolling
  6. Manufacture

Recycling Process

  1. Collection
  2. Sorting and separation
  3. Shredding
  4. Treatment
  5. Manufacture

Recycling Process

  1. Collection
  2. Segregation
  3. Decontamination
  4. Production
  5. Final products